Chapbook – traduction de Sunny girls (2015) en américain par Elena Rivera.
I go too far
I don’t go far enough
I hear a breath behind me »
Parution : Above/Ground Press (Canada), mars 2017
À propos de l'ouvrage
(…) Undeniably a small pamphlet of verse, From: Sunny girls is the type of book that explores the possibility of itself. Thanks in part to the incredibly skilled work of translator Eléna Rivera, as well as, of course, the included original French writ of Moussempès, what is a small pamphlet is also a sequence of induced cravings to read the full work, the original French, abound, are harmonious, encourage salivation, a seeking of salvation through new words. The voice of the speaker within the text evokes a full poetic range: there is the breath, and it is short, and then it is long. This is performance and engagement, with profoundly subtle hints of feminism and naturalism, in unison: “Poetesses who bet on the banal don’t ride mopeds despite appearances”. (…)
Greg Bem, « Yellow Rabbits Review #16: From: Sunny girls by Sandra Moussempès », Yellowrabbits, 1er mai 2017
There is something Lisa-Robertson-ish about the way the author turns philosophical musings on thought and speech into poetry, into a subject for poetry. The thread of desire.
Amanda Earl, « Above/ground press fav chapbooks of 2017 – part 2 » [archive], The Literary Blog of Amanda Earl, 13 fév. 2018